Thursday, February 26, 2009

Wireless Networks Benefits to Communities

A strong wireless network can have a very positive effect on virtually any community which has one in place. The benefits go way beyond just simple entertainment, a strong wireless network ensures that even residents on a tight budget can remain in contact with friends and loved ones and it can provide an incredible resource for the education of students of all ages; from entering school all the way through graduate school.

A strong wireless network can have a very positive effect on virtually any community which has one in place. The benefits go way beyond just simple entertainment, a strong wireless network ensures that even residents on a tight budget can remain in contact with friends and loved ones and it can provide an incredible resource for the education of students of all ages; from entering school all the way through graduate school.

Staying Safe

Communities that have a municipal wireless network in place can have all emergency service personnel online from right inside their vehicles. Laptops on board in police cruisers, ambulances and fire trucks give emergency personnel access to detailed maps of the city and will allow transmission of photos of suspected criminals and detailed layouts of buildings and houses. The laptops will also allow for silent communication between officers and other emergency personnel via e-mail and instant messaging. Wireless cameras will also allow real time footage to be transmitted from emergency vehicles directly back to the station.


Community wireless networks will often allow for wireless internet connection, free of charge to schools, colleges and libraries opening up the world's largest resource - the internet

This will allow younger students to experience activities and get knowledge that may not have been available to them for years to come, all while keeping the expense for hard copy resources down. Books, streaming videos, educational games and activities all become available to teachers and students with little more than the click of a few buttons. What would have taken hundreds of dollars worth of books to teach can now be imparted to young students on a few cents worth of copy paper?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Most Common Errors made by Users of Microsoft Word

Just ask on any user of computer if they employ or employed Microsoft Word and you can with confidence await the answer yes. The word is everywhere, even on Apple Mac. Thus, the majority of the owners suppose automatically that their people can employ it and they make, up to a point. But much of occasional users of word make some enough fundamental errors. This article looks at the communal ground at most.

* By creating a document to be printed on a particular type of paper mill, such as paper letter-headed, much of users of word are accustomed to using the key of return to create space at the beginning of the document. What they should do exchange the higher margin. To change the margins in the word 2007, click on top the margins made on order of margins then in the label of provision of page on the ribbon. In the preliminary versions of the word, choose the page layout of the small file.

* Leaving two spaces after the period which finishes each sentence is another common error among users. In fact, one space is very well with eye of a character modern since they are proportionally spaced (for example, the letter W takes more space than the letter I ). The practice of two spaces is a regression at the days when people used typewriters with moonscape eye of a character such as the elite and the courier.

* Do you press on usually the key of return twice to indicate the end of a paragraph? If so, should plan to you to press on the key of return just once then using the orders of spacing of paragraph which can be found while clicking on the label of provision of page of the ribbon in the word 2007 or while clicking on the format divide into paragraphs then in the word 2003.

* The occasional users who never followed any training course of Microsoft Word are often with a loss as for the way in which the labels function. With going worse, they use the bar of spacing to try to align elements in the page. This never functions and when the document is printed the columns do not align correctly. The key of label should be employed instead of the bar of spacing.

* After having identified the key of label as the correct one to employ to create columns, much of users of word press on Just the key of label for tabular length with the next defect table. The number of times where the key of label is in a hurry will vary thus, according to the length of each piece of text. It is well better to place one’s to have labels while clicking on the rule of mot. This means than on each line of text, the key of label will be in a hurry the same number of times between the columns.

* Another common error among users of word is to manually compose the text in long documents or perhaps with the user the painter of format. The text manually of composition is very well for the documents of only one page or courts but with the long documents, it’s better to employ the words the device of model. In this way, if you must modify the aspect of the document, all which you must make is to modify the attributes of the models.

* The word auto correct and other devices of optimization of the texts can sometimes seem a little too much with some users but much of people do not do anything to adjust the manner work of these devices. In the word 2007, auto correct and other arrangements can be changed constantly while clicking on the button of office and by choosing options of mot. The equivalent in the word 2003 and earlier is tools - options.